Many of us have just finished a holiday eating binge. In fact, maybe it hasn't quite stopped because you're celebrating your 4th Christmas dinner with extended family tonight or you still haven't finished off all of the cookies and candy.

Now binge may sound dramatic, and you may not be binge eating in definition, but it is quite possible you're feeling pretty fluffy right now from the added sugar, salt, extra calories and portion sizes that tend to come with the season.

It likely began when the first shot was fired on Thanksgiving afternoon to begin a marathon of eating that went on almost nonstop until you awoke and decided you should probably step on the scale to see how much damage has been done. The January diet is a true national pastime, and one we seem to repeat over and over. The goal is to get a little better at managing it each year as we get older!


EVEN IF you didn't go too crazy…you were trying to be as moderate as you could and were still exercising where you could fit it in…it's probably STILL time for a little reset. This is not a time to beat yourself up. It's a time to acknowledge that this past season can be very hard to juggle, it's stressful for many, and there are temptations out of the wazoo that come with overwhelm and (eh hem) family time…

Whether you're a former client, a client that returns from time to time, or someone we've never worked with…know and accept that there are seasons in our lives where we know that the missing piece to our discipline is having accountability. And that is 100% OKAY.


🌟🌟🌟🌟Here's why having a DAILY accountability coach is so beneficial: 

  1. Oftentimes our friends or our family don't have the same goals as us and we need a support system. The support from a coach will give you encouragement, empathy, and motivation during challenging times. Having someone to share successes and setbacks with can make the weight loss journey feel less isolating.

2. When you are held accountable, you are more likely to commit to your fat loss goals. Knowing that someone is monitoring your progress or that you'll have to report your efforts will encourage you to set realistic and achievable goals. Positive reinforcement and praise for your efforts can help you stay focused on your weight loss goals. Not everyone needs this, but I know I sure as hell do.

3. Knowing that you are accountable to someone can help you establish and maintain consistent habits. Consistency is crucial for long-term weight loss success.

4. Increased awareness will help you make more mindful choices about your nutrition and lifestyle. It allows you to identify patterns, recognize triggers for unhealthy behaviors, and make necessary adjustments with advice from your coach. Being accountable makes you responsible for your actions.


If you've worked with us in the past…you know having accountability works. Don't be afraid to reach back out if you need it! It's doesn't make you weak…it makes you WISE!


Proverbs 27:17 – Surround Yourself With Those Who Better You.

If you're ready to get back at it and want a friend by your side, CLICK BELOW and a real live person (me) will give you a couple of options to get started!


Should you cut sugar out of your diet once and for all?


4 Week [DONE FOR YOU] Meal and Movement Plan!