Maintain Your Weight Once and for All

My Story

I had gotten to my goal weight range before in my adult life. But I had never figured out how to STAY there.

I’d always end up gaining weight back after my “healthy, mindful eating” was over. Or so I thought that’s what I was doing.

Many months after my second pregnancy, I found myself still 35 pounds overweight and I was DETERMINED to lose it without dieting this time.

I started tracking my calories, but I allowed myself a lot more than I had done in the past.

Instead of cutting things out, I started adding things IN, like more veggies and more water.

I began exercising to be strong and have energy for my two kids, instead of doing it for “weight loss”.

I confided in a few trusted friends about it so that I knew they would ask me how it was going, therefore holding me accountable to what I wanted.

I allowed myself TIME to do this and I didn’t give myself a deadline.

I didn’t need or want to “get down to a certain size” for a certain occasion or vacation this time.

I joined a gym and started jogging with a few other moms (even though jogging really isn’t my thing) so I could be in a place of community. I completed a couple of 10k runs!

Slowly, but surely, the weight kept coming off. little by little. And (very conveniently) by summer time, I had reached my goal.

I was EXCITED to be wearing my two-piece for the first time ever after having kids.

I was dead set on doing everything in my power to NOT GAIN THE WEIGHT BACK.

And I didn’t.

I maintained my healthy, balanced lifestyle for over 2 years. I was soooo proud of myself.

And along the way, I actually learned to be nice to myself and give myself grace instead of beating myself up.

And thennnnn I got pregnant again.

Afterwards I knew exactly what I needed to do to get back to where I was before. But, I just couldn’t get motivated to stay consistent.

So I did what every normal person would do (ha) and I started a PUBLIC Instagram account to track my progress.

People from all over started asking ME to help them!

INSERT: Better Health by Accountability COACHING

The missing piece for MOST people is the support and accountability in the process.

If you can relate to my story in any way…and think having an accountability health coach could really help you to get going and not quit…

…without ultra restrictive diets

…without under-nourishing your body

…without eliminating foods you love

…without feeling like you can ONLY diet and not focus on anything else


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