Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Hips Tight?

The biggest cause of tightness is what we do all day long: sitting for too long is a major culprit in tightening the hip flexors. When you sit all day at a desk, the iliopsoas shortens, making the flexors tight. Some athletes are also more prone to tight hip flexors.

Here is a great stretch I came up with on my own and it really helps!

After a hard work-out, we do not stretch enough at the end of class, so I have to make sure I am disciplined to stretch a bit at home.

Start by standing with your legs hip width apart. Gradually go forward up each stair with one foot until you feel it’s a good distance for you. Tuck the hips under and push your hip down towards the stairs. Hold on each leg for 30 seconds. Repeat if you’d like!


- Ashley


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