Better Health by Accountability

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Accountability Coaching will pay off for LIFE!

Better Health by Accountability Testimonial

Hear it from a client who has done 12 weeks of nutrition accountability coaching:

When my client Taylor and I first spoke, here are a couple of questions she answered for me:

QUES 1: What do you want this weight loss to do for you? How do you want to feel/think/be when you have lost the weight? 

ANSWER: I want to have more energy and not have to think so much daily about healthy choices. I've had success in the past but it feels like so much work that it's hard to maintain.

QUES 2: Why now? Why is now the time to take control of your health?

ANSWER: Tired of feeling exhausted, not fitting into my clothes, and knowing I can look & feel better.

After 12 weeks, here’s what she had to say:

"Working with Ashley for the past 12 weeks was transformative for the way I think about food. I have always had an “all or nothing” mindset with nutrition, so I either ate ALL the pizza or none of it! But with Ashley, I learned how to actually eat all of the foods I love, but in a balanced way that actually leaves me feeling more satisfied and proud of my choices.

Ashley never told me “no” to a meal or a food choice, it was always “yes, and…” Working with Ashley wasn't just about losing weight, but about building a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. I “only” lost about 9lbs during the coaching program, BUT my body totally transformed to a point that I am so excited to see myself in the mirror every day. And I lost that weight without denying myself the foods I love, like pizza and ice cream! 


What I love about working with an accountability coach is that they don't just tell you to “eat more protein” (although they do tell you that a lot ), but instead they show you how to make specific changes to the meals you are already eating to make them serve your goals better. 


It is so practical and easy and they are with you every step of the way. I have been able to lose weight in the past on diets, but the minute I hit my goal weight it would all start coming back. 


Now, all of the habits I built while working with Ashley are still in place and I am still losing weight even after we stopped working together. This is one of the best investments I have made in myself and I truly believe it will continue to pay off for the rest of my life!"   - TAYLOR