The Difference Between a Serving Size and a Portion Size

I get this question a lot — what is the difference between the two!?

A serving size is a standardized, measured amount of food, usually the amount used for Nutrition Facts labels. A portion size is the amount you choose to eat, which can be obviously be more or less than a serving size.

Here in the United States specifically (that's not to say it's not other places too), sooo many of us struggle with what I like to call “portion distortion.” What one may think is a single portion is actually multiple servings

At restaurants and at home, big plates with LARGE amounts of food have become common. Learning to distinguish serving size from portion size helps correct portion distortion. 

So what ways can you practice good portion control? I'm so glad you asked. 

It's really helpful to KNOW the size of your bowls, cups, and plates at home. Measure how much the bowls, glasses, cups, and plates you usually use hold. Example: Pour your breakfast cereal into your regular bowl. Then, pour it into a measuring cup. How many cups of cereal do you eat when you use this bowl? How does that compare to what the serving size says? Serving sizes are supposed to be there to guide you and protect you.

Section your plate. Your plate should reflect the following-ish portions:

½ of your plate should be colorful veggies and fruits

¼ of your plate should include your protein

¼ of your plate can include your whole grains

Eat smart when dining out. Restaurant portions are often more than a single serving. Asking for a to-go box for your food can help you to not overeat. You can put half of your food in the box and put it away for later, finishing the smaller portion left on your plate.

Eat smart when dining at home. If you are eating in, make your plate in the kitchen and don't have serving bowls at the table with you. It's tempting to eat more when food is in reach. Also, be mindful when you're cleaning up the kitchen that you're not mindlessly putting more food in your mouth because it's there. 

Try using smaller plates for your food. A normal portion of food looks small on a large plate, making you feel under-served. Your smaller plate will look pretty full and make your mind excited, lol. 


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How do you read a nutrition label!?