Better Health by Accountability beats ALL IN by Teddi

Better Health by Accountability CHANGED MY LIFE after ALL IN

Here you go - hear it from our client who has done it:

"Having a sustainable accountability program for my health has saved me from myself.”

🛑 BHBA was the final stop on my weight loss journey. I'd done EVERYTHING before this: Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Keto, Vegetarian, Low Carb, All in by Teddi… you name it.

After I reserved my coaching spot with BHBA, I began to feel like I was heading into my panic restriction mindset mode again. Sort of like I needed punishment.

I had *almost* re-signed up for All in by Teddi again thinking I should take drastic measures.
😬 (My husband and I joke that the All in program is like an intervention, like being sent to rehab.) I KNEW that wasn’t a reasonable program because of my lifestyle though.

I’ve really appreciated the BHBA style. I felt extremely accountable, but not pressured. I never felt like I’d *be in trouble* 😵 for having wine with most of my dinners because that is something you CAN do and still be healthy. My goal was to really tackle this mental aspect once and for all. To create and keep balance.

When I first reached out to Coach Ashley, I felt so out of control. I was making excuses for eating whatever I wanted. 💁🏽‍♀️ I was starting to be one of those typical people that say, “I’ll clean up my food starting Monday “. The slippery slope began…

Every program I’d ever done included restrictions. Good foods and bad foods – that’s what I was used to. At the end of the day, I always felt mentally exhausted with my obsession with weight loss and food choices. 😩

I’m SO happy to have found Better Health by Accountability. The experience has been incredibly positive and helpful – a LIFESTYLE change. I needed to turn the corner mentally. And these last several months have gotten me there.

🌸 Everything feels so NATURAL now! And my mindset is comfortably balanced, something I never thought I’d be able to say. I no longer panic that I ‘did something wrong’.

➡️ Oh, and get this -- While on the program I traveled to France for a couple of weeks on a food and wine cruise! WHATTTTT? Yes.

I decided to continue the accountability through this trip. I ate what I wanted and still sent my food pictures and weigh-ins. That alone made me just stop for a moment and order consciously and eat slower. I stopped when I was full.

I had more pastries in 2 weeks than I have had in the last 2 years. I did not miss one glass of wine or food experience.

🙋‍♀️ I came home ONLY 1 lb more than when I left!!! In the past I would have come home 5-10lbs heavier because I had an all or nothing mentality.

That was a huge win for me and I could never have done that without being held simply accountable by Coach Kellie. 💕 I've realized I can LIVE my life, be free, and maintain my overall health.

I don't have to yo-yo for the rest of my life. 🪀

I simply practice mindful choices and move my body every day. Fit in some weight training a few times a week and I'm good to go. I don't need to be exhausted with obsessing over good and bad food.

110% recommended BHBA.


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