Why is protein important and how much do I need?

Protein is an essential nutrient in the body. It has several important roles and can help with BOTH muscle gain and weight loss.

Muscle fiber is rebuilt with new tissue through our daily intake of protein rich foods.

Proteins make up the physical structure of muscles and bones and transport nutrients throughout the body. Building new tissue within our muscles requires a daily source of protein.

This is especially important for individuals who are trying to gain muscle through exercise and strength training.

Muscle tissue needs proper recovery and repair after activity. Protein also aids in the production of enzymes, helping in food digestion and nutrient absorption. As well, athletes need the proper energy levels for training which protein can be a great source for.

For non-athletes, or people trying to lose weight, muscle and fat are typically lost together. Protein is needed to help maintain that muscle mass that usually declines with dieting. It is an essential nutrient for healthy living.

Protein is also the most filling of the macronutrients. Eating more protein will help you feel full for longer. This will reduce hunger levels which then helps to reduce caloric intake. And reducing calorie intake throughout the day will aid in weight loss.

Dairy, seafood, meats, nuts, lentils, and seeds are great sources of protein. Specifically, lean protein like fish, low-fat dairy and beans will nourish your body with plenty of protein but not add excess calories.

We teach our clients to choose their goal weight (i.e 160lbs) and eat that many grams of protein per day (i.e. 160 grams).

Be sure you are eating protein at every meal and snack!


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