Accountability Coaching is Helpful even when you Don’t Have Much Weight to Lose

While many of us are trying our best, we know deep down when we aren't taking care of ourselves in the way we “should be” or want to. Some seasons are harder than others.

Before my client began her 12 week journey of focusing on consistent, better health habits, these are a few things she shared with me:


“I want to be confident. I struggle with self hatred, and want to be able to not be so bothered about my appearance. It is holding me back in my work, at home, and with others.”

 "One of my family members has had an extremely difficult health journey this past year, and I have realized I cannot do this by myself. I have given a lot of myself to taking care of those around me and I need to focus on me" 

 "I know I need accountability because I tend to fall off the wagon if I'm trying to do something alone, but having someone come along side to guide and check in keeps me on the right path."

Throughout her journey we focused way more on her inches lost over what the scale said. We celebrated small wins. She began to find freedom in eating MORE calories than what she was eating before. I reminded her along the way that fat loss takes TIME - and that's ok. I reassured and encouraged her so she knew that each positive step she was taking…mattered. 


“Ashley helped me immensely! I feel I have established healthy routines like working out regularly, being mindful to prepare healthy food, and making much better choices when eating out. And WOW, losing over 12 inches was a huge plus along the way!” - S


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