Welcome To Our Blog
Created by certified health coach: Ashley Carlotta, the Better Health by Accountability blog features healthy recipes, nutritional guidance, favorite workouts, and a candid look at how to make yourself a priority while balancing the crazy.
Looking for helpful health tips?
Need some motivation or a bit of inspiration?
You won’t find details on crash dieting or the latest fads here. Instead, we’re dedicated to teaching you to connect with your body to eat for both nourishment and enjoyment — perfect for those trying to embrace healthy living in an uncomplicated and inexpensive way.
6 Signs You're Not Eating Enough Calories
Not eating enough calories goes way beyond hunger pangs. Whether your goal is to lose weight, maintain your current weight, or gain more, calories matter. Yes, partially because they can affect your weight and fitness, but also, because they have the very basic yet hugely important job of helping you stay alive. Consuming just enough won't cut it, as your body and mind will suffer in plenty of ways without the proper nourishment.
4 Ways to Change your Relationship with Food
Maybe you picked up some habits from your parents, guardians, or siblings. Or, maybe you developed some of your own tendencies as a result of dieting at an early age or even trauma. Over time, our relationships with food evolve and develop into what they are today. How do we work to change that?
That All or Nothing Mentality
Monday rolls around, and you think “Oh, shoot. I don't have enough groceries to prep my meals for the start of week. OK — I'll shop this week, prep all my meals, sort out my gym membership, and then I'll start next Monday. Dammit! How is it 7pm already?! When did everyone else leave? And how did I eat so many of those cookies? Ugh. This week is a wash and it's barely even started.”
Health is a Practice. Everyday.
Health is not about fitting into your 'skinny jeans'….or whatever jeans are in style these days
...or drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
...or even meditating a few times a week.