Is Spring The Best Season To Lose Weight?
So, is Spring really the best season to lose weight?
No, that's dumb, I'm never going to tell you that there is a “specific time of year'” that is best to take charge of your health. BUT here are SIX reasons why the spring weather makes you feel like you want to take care of yourself more than you cared in the Winter:
1. Beautiful weather and increased daylight hours make you want to be more active. Let's face it, when it's dark and cold out, all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a glass of wine and watch Netflix. I know that's not just me. But as the days get longer and the weather warms up, there is something inside us that screams out, “seize the day!” Plus, it's easier to wake up and enjoy the morning when you aren't faced with ice on your windshield. You can generally get outside for a walk any time of day and enjoy the pretty spring scenery or even use the extra time gardening (not me, I don't garden, like at all) and running errands (again, incidental exercise for the win).
2. As the temperature rises, your appetite decreases, and you burn more calories. It might be a small thing, but certainly not insignificant. According to research, you consume an extra 150 calories per day in the winter compared to spring. And as spring changes to summer, this trend only continues to increase. (I mean unless you're consuming 5 high-noons erry day in the pool). The reason your appetite decreases in warmer weather is that your body is working hard to keep itself cool. Natural bodily functions like digestion increase body heat. So, especially in Texas, your body sends signals to your brain to eat less so it doesn't have to work so hard. Also, when you sweat it out in a hot environment, your body needs to work even harder to regulate your temperature.
3. Your mood is typically brighter, babe. For many people, there's a direct correlation between mood and weather. In the most extreme cases, the dark, dismal days of the winter can trigger a type of temporary depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). People with SAD might crave extra carbs and exercise less, increasing their chance of weight gain. It's a real thing.
Even if you don't have SAD, being in better spirits in warm weather means you probably don't have as many cravings for the “comfort foods” you tend to crave hard in the winter months. Spending time outdoors when the sun is shining can increase serotonin production and - when you're feeling positive - you might be more likely to talk yourself into a gym session—or talk yourself out of gorging on toppings during a fro-yo run.
4. There is a direct correlation between vitamin D levels and weight loss. You know that feeling when you get out of work and it's still light out? It doesn't just warm your heart; sunshine helps your body generate vitamin D. If you're low on this nutrient from spending too much time indoors, replenishing your D levels can promote more weight loss than diet and exercise alone. People who are overweight are more likely to have low levels of vitamin D. True story.
Symptoms of low vitamin D levels include low moods, achy bones, and brain fog (to name a few) – none of which are conducive to weight loss and diet-stick-ability. You guys know I wasn't an English major by now.
5. Green veggies are abundant in the spring — and green stuff burns fat. The greener the leaf of a fruit or vegetable, the more powerful it will be in helping to lower your insulin levels, which helps you burn fat. And it just so happens spring is primetime for seasonal veggies like arugula, artichokes, spinach, watercress, and green-leafed berries. Did you know that my husband had never eaten an artichoke before he met me?
Load your plate with juicy berries, leafy greens, and water-based fruits and vegetables. Besides more seasonal produce options, spring and summer gatherings are more apt to feature cold salads, shrimp and chicken skewers, and lots of watermelon - right? As long as someone cut it up for me because I hate doing that. I don't garden. Of course, it's still possible to overdo it on the cheeseburgers and ice cream. But with so many lighter choices available, it becomes much easier to pick healthy foods.
6. Summer is coming! ☀️Summer is just around the corner, which means saying goodbye to bulky sweaters and leggings you wore this past fall, and saying hello to sun dresses, tank tops, and shorts! That can be scary for some as it “springs” up on you! I've got jokes.
If winter hasn't been kind to your waistline, you may be tempted to crash diet or spend hours at the gym. But you must resist! These types of things can wreak havoc on your body (and mental health) causing cortisol to spike, making weight loss even harder! Just don't. Give yourself time.
Why not take a different, more natural approach? Plus, by starting your fat loss journey during the spring months, you give yourself a realistic timeframe to lose those extra pounds in time for swimsuit season. So, rather than being fearful of what's to come with those pics on vacation, embrace the motivation to become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself and “flaunt what your mama gave ya!” mmmk?
“Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.”