Should I Eat Breakfast In The Morning?

The short answer is YES. Here’s why:

Let's talk about the importance of being hungry when you wake up. This is a controversial topic, but it is something that isn't talked about enough.

"But Ashley, I’ve heard fasting in the morning is SO good for my hormones and working out fasted is even better. I also don't wake up hungry."

Ughhh. Stop. The BEST thing you can do for your hormones is to eat breakfast within two hours of waking up. And that doesn’t mean just your coffee “under 50 cals” or whatever rules you follow.

We already fasted overnight, so why do we need to fast for another few hours?

That's adding MORE stress on your body. I'm sure you already have other stressors such as work, school, KIDS, family, and more. This is why we actually need MORE food when we’re under some stress.

DID YOU KNOW our liver can only hold glucose for 8-10 hours until it starts to make its own?

If we compromise our liver by always going low carb…it runs out of glucose even sooner. This is when our stress hormone, cortisol, kicks in and starts to cause other hormone issues.

AND progesterone levels begin to decrease and estrogen levels rise.

Eating breakfast prevents all of this from happening.

If you're not hungry when you wake up, this is a clear sign you're running on stress hormones and suppressing your hunger.

I highly recommend my clients eat bfast…and you know what they tell me after a couple of weeks? “I’m actually hungry in the morning now because I think my body is expecting it.” YESSSS

Stop drinking coffee on an empty stomach, stop intermittent fasting, and don't workout fasted. At least have a protein snack, mmmmk? Your hormones will thank you later.

IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING with diet, stress, emotional/binge eating…you should work with me FREE for 3 days.

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Ashley Carlotta, owner and founder of Better Health by Accountability, has been interviewed on the following podcasts in 2023:


Healthy YUMMY turkey potato spinach soup!