Why haven’t I stopped binge eating yet?

Binge eating is not due to a lack of willpower!

Binge eating is complex. It’s not as easy as “just stop eating”, if that worked…nobody would struggle with this. Binge eating can happen due to multiple reasons.

🔹Physical restriction: not eating enough, skipping meals, cutting out food groups, etc.
🔹Mental restriction: how you are thinking about food. Are you judging yourself? What is your internal dialogue like? The guilt around eating can trigger binges.
🔹Emotional reasons: uncomfortable emotions can trigger binging. Some emotions are incredibly hard to feel, and a lot of people weren’t taught how to deal with uncomfortable emotions. Using food as an escape.
🔹Unmet needs: are you eating enough? Are you sleeping enough? Do you have enough time for relaxation? Do you feel safe in your living situation? Do you feel financially secure? Do you have genuine connections in your life? The list can go on.
Binge eating can happen because it’s helping you meet your needs that you aren’t getting anywhere else. Be gentle with yourself. It’s not a lack of willpower, it’s so much more complex than that. Accountability is a big piece of the puzzle for challenging you to become more mindful and master intuitive eating.
  • It takes practice.

  • Don’t be dieting.

  • Avoid skipping meals

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Make sure you have accountability

  • Stay hydrated

  • Stretch/do yoga

  • Eat breakfast everyday

  • Have enough fiber

  • Exercise often

  • Have someone to talk to

  • Keep a food log or journal for your feelings

Another option is to have a structured meal plan

Binge eating affects people ALL OVER the world.

However, it’s possible to overcome it with the right treatment plan and healthy lifestyle modifications.

Would having support and accountability from a 1:1 Health Coach feel good?


Healthy Pasta with Protein!