I had NO idea that I'd ever become a Health Coach

This was never my plan.

I never planned on being a health coach at all. I'm a business major and worked in accounting/taxes for over 12 years. I've never really liked rules or people telling me what to do, so the fact that I'm giving other people guidance and perimeters to live a healthy life in moderation (without dieting) is still crazy to me. 

I should be the last person to give you advice as I was the yo-yo diet QUEEN . 

My body image issues began in Kindergarten at age 6. Comparison had begun as I compared my body to the little skinny girls around me. My mom told me I was just “big boned”, but trust me, that didn't help. 

I started gaining some confidence in middle school through dancing and performing. The fact that I was exercising a lot helped, but food, it was just always a problem for me. I couldn't understand how my friends could eat so LITTLE and be satisfied. How could you not finish all of your Taco Bell goodness? How could you not finish your cake?? Even if you didn't really like it. It's dessert! #yolo (actually #yolo wasn't a thing yet, but for real, that's how I always felt around food).

I remember crying a lot. Being disappointed with what I saw in the mirror.

I always felt insecure in my body and in my clothes. It was this cycle that never seemed to end. And the only tool I knew of was to eat less and that just sounded so sad to me – I didn't want to take away the “thing” that made me feel happy and content. It seemed that EVERYONE ELSE was able to eat whatever they wanted and it wasn't this constant head game for them. 

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at age 16, an autoimmune disease. Food was again – a coping mechanism for me. Even though I was told that “eating cleaner” and “losing some weight” would help me. I was stubborn and didn't want any part in that. Except for when I did – I'd grab a Slimfast shake every once in a while, or starve myself all day so I could eat some pizza later. 


I continued my bad habits after high school. I found a love of being able to drive thru fast-food joints whenever I wanted and hang out at brewery's and wineries with friends.  

 I dieted down to a decent weight for my wedding , but still felt disappointed that I wasn't at my “goal”. 

Fast forward to my 1st pregnancy – I gained 55 lbs. People kept saying it would come off easy. Nope - not for me. Then with my 2nd pregnancy, I gained 50 lbs… AGAIN. I'd start out “being good,” but my binge eating was out of control toward the last few months of my pregnancy.

After my daughter was born, I decided this is IT, I am DONE making excuses and feeling bad about myself. I was determined to fix my relationship with food. I started studying. I became vulnerable about it with friends for the first time and asked lots of questions. I practiced eating mindfully & intuitively along with regular exercise to slowly but surely shed the pounds. There was accountability and support around me. I weighed in the 130s for the first time in my adult life! I felt fit, strong and so confident.

From there, we moved from CA to TX. I had two miscarriages and eventually another healthy baby. After a huge rollercoaster of emotions and things calmed down a bit, I knew exactly what I had to do to get back to those 130's. I reminded myself that it didn't need to be FAST. Because living a healthy lifestyle isn't a race, it's a journey – that you'll always be on.  

One thing in my stage of life that was missing though: accountability. SO…I decided to post my postpartum fat loss journey on Instagram. People followed, began asking questions, and wanted a sustainable way to lose weight – the way I was doing it. 

Better Health by Accountability Coaching was birthed, and now that's what I do – I hold both women and men accountable to lose weight in a sustainable way! Because there is so much overwhelming information out there and you just need a little guidance and to be CONSISTENT. Stopping and starting will exhaust you and get you no where.

I am so incredibly passionate about helping people feel good about themselves because for so long I DIDN'T!! I am all too familiar with that insecure, unhappy, disappointed feeling. You don't need to feel that way anymore – I'm here to give you hope. Accountability and support is key to feeling your healthiest, best self.


If you can relate to my story at all, I'd love to hear from you


The Dangers of Starvation Diets


Summer Workout Ideas