5 Heart Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Typically, when people think of snacking, they think of things like chips, crackers, or a handful of m&ms. Those are likely not going to be good for your heart.

We have rounded up a few snack options that are not only good for your overall health, but your HEART, too!

1) Walnuts are a great source of fiber and magnesium. They can help protect against heart disease and can help lead to a drop in bad cholesterols. Walnuts have also been thought to protect against inflammation in your heart’s arteries.

2) Edamame is a delicious little snack that is packed with nutrients. One cup of edamame has 8g of heart healthy fiber! It also contains protein to keep you fuller longer and will also help lower your cholesterol. It may help decrease inflammation in patients with cardiovascular disease.

3) Oranges and other citrus fruits can help keep you healthy and fend off the harmful effects of obesity related heart disease. They can fight cholesterol due to the fiber and potassium content that helps control blood pressure. This fruit contains more than 60 types of antioxidants that can help your heart function normally.

4) Avocados are packed with monounsaturated fats. They are thought to be heart healthy and linked to lowered levels of cholesterol and a lower risk of heart disease. Avocados are rich in potassium which is essential to heart health. Try replacing butter and cheese with avocado which can contribute to a lower risk of heart disease events.

5) Pumpkin seeds are full of healthy fats, magnesium & zinc. They have been linked to improved heart health. Also, pumpkin seed oil may help reduce high blood pressure and increase good cholesterol levels. Just 1 oz of pumpkin seeds has 7g of protein and 1.7g of fiber!



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