Trick yourself into drinking more water!


1. Def buy a reusable water bottle

Single-use plastic water bottles aren't great for the environment (I know paper plates aren't either lol) and can be a waste of money if you have access to clean drinking water at home or work! Get yo-self a reusable water bottle to carry with you at all times so you can stay hydrated no matter where you go. 


Buying a fun water bottle you like to look at will help you remember to take it with you. Or buy a few and match them to your outfits! At work or at home, place the bottle somewhere that it's ALWAYS in your line of vision and can serve as a reminder to drink whenever you see it. Mine is BRIGHT PINK so I can't miss it. I know some of you got Stanley's for Christmas…nobody has gotten me one yet…


2. Give your water the spa treatment (man I could go for a massage right now)…

If you find plain water boring, you can naturally flavor your water with healthy options like lemon, cucumber, or berries. Experiment with different combinations to find your fav. Watch out for powdered flavors, which can contain unhealthy artificial sweeteners ect. Once in a while they're cool though (if they are making you drink more).


Cut up your fruits and let them soak overnight if possible for the most flavor, then refill your water bottle when it's half empty to retain some of the flavor. You'll get the added benefit from all the antioxidants and vitamins in your fruit! Strawberries are my personal fav. 


Side note: We used to go to this place called Strawberry every year as a family when I was younger, it's near Pinecrest in CA, and I kid you not I almost got a strawberry tattoo when I was 18. Glad I talked myself into a diff tramp stamp instead (eye roll). 


Side note #2: My friend told me this hack…order a strawberry water at Sonic! That's it, just strawberries and water, but it's delish and save yourself the soda.


3. Set reminders on your phone

Using your calendar app, set regular reminders to drink. Or just ask Siri if you use her for everything like I do. If you tend to want to reach for unhealthy snacks in the middle of the afternoon, set an alert to remind yourself that thirst is often disguised as hunger (very often actually), and drinking a big glass of water now may help you stay away from the chips that won't serve you. Protein first, always. 


4. Chug water when you wake up

It's normal to feel a little dehydrated first thing in the morning. Your body hasn't had any water in 8-10 hours (ha or maybe more like 6-7…).

It may be tempting to turn on the coffee pot first thing in the morning, but coffee will only dehydrate you even further. Drink extra water before and after your coffee fix to make sure your body gets the hydration it needs. Just do it. 


5. Here's another thought: Exercise more :)

Nothing puts you in the mood to drink water more than a good sweat session. Your body will naturally want to replace the water lost with more water, mmmk?


Healthy Macro Friendly Lasagna


Why willpower never works for long…