Better Health by Accountability

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4 Ways to Stay in a Calorie Deficit

Losing weight can be a challenging and frustrating process, but there a few simple concepts to keep in mind that will help.  In order to lose weight, we need to keep in mind the calories that are going in versus out.  You need to be in a calorie deficit to see fat loss, which means that you’re consuming fewer calories than your body is burning each day.  

Here are a few tips for losing weight in a calorie deficit:

  1. Make healthy choices when choosing food.  Choose nutrient dense, whole foods, high in protein will help you feel full and satisfied.  Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains are always great options.  Avoid processed foods and foods with added sugar as these are typically low in nutrients and higher in calories. I talk about lean protein options ALL the time on my Instagram. Go check out my posts.

  2. Exercise regularly.  Exercise will help you burn additional calories and increase your metabolism.  Aim to strength train 3 times a week and add-in 30 minutes of steady state cardio each day.  Doesn’t need to be a crazy HIIT workout (although those are fun sometimes).

  3. If necessary, track your food intake.  Keep track of everything you eat and drink throughout the day, including snacks and beverages.  This will help in assuring you’re getting the proper amount of macronutrient and calories throughout the day.  There are may apps available that can make this process easier. I help my clients with their calorie and macro goals so that they have a good starting point. You still need to be fueling your body correctly.

  4. Be patient a consistent.  Remember that losing weight take time and effort.  It’s important to stick with your healthy habits consistently in order to see results.

I’ve created a DONE FOR YOU 4 week meal plan with an assigned workout each day. If you need a little guidance, I highly recommend for you to invest in this very inexpensive, well thought out plan. Get it Here!

Losing weight in a calorie deficit requires a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and consistency. By making small changes to your lifestyle, you can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and well being.

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