Better Health by Accountability

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How I Avoid Gaining Weight During The Holidays.

There’s no need to over-do it and find yourself 10+ pounds larger in January.

1. Don’t stop your exercise plan. Get your steps in and prioritize working out for a *minimum* of 4 times a week for 30min.

2. Do indulge in fun holidays sweets, but limit it to one a day. Want a cinnamon latte? Great! Want a couple of Christmas cookies you baked? Great! Want a couple of glasses of wine? Great! Want a donut with your family on Saturday morning? Great! Don’t have it all in one day — moderation is key.

3. When you go to gatherings/parties, really look at the entire spread. If there are fruit/veggies/lean protein… always add those first. Then taste some of the other decadent stuff, but make sure it’s something you really like.

4. You don’t have to participate in every single holiday indulgence. You will have other holidays — I promise. (Lord willing). And if you don’t, well hopefully calories won’t count in heaven.

5. Stay hydrated. Simply put.

6. If you are feeling stressed out/emotional/like you need a damn break… take one. Emotional and binge eating stems from not dealing with our emotions. Don’t nix therapy/journaling/you-time during the holiday season.

Were these helpful? Which one do you need to be mindful of?